£250k Awarded From Community Ownership Fund for Restoration of Centre Vale Park Bowling Pavilion!
Todmorden Town Deal Partner, Todmorden Town Council has successfully secured a capital grant of £250k from the Community Ownership Fund towards the restoration of the Bowling Pavilion as part of the Todmorden Town Deal Centre Vale Park project.
This award follows the success last year in securing National Heritage Lottery Funding to assist with the cost of renovating the Bandstand and means that Town Deal Project Partner, Todmorden Town Council, can go forward to work with community groups and architects to submit both schemes for Planning Approval, and in the case of the Bandstand also for Listed Building Consent.
Whilst the planning process for both projects is underway the aim is to continue developing specifications, further grant applications and working with voluntary groups who will have a role to play in the running of the Bandstand and the Bowling Pavilion once they are completed. Todmorden Town Council also aims to save costs through the appointment of a single contractor for both projects to undertake the works at the same time.
Cllr Denis Skelton, Co-Leader, Todmorden Town Council said:
“We are delighted to have secured another substantial tranche of grant funding to help move these projects forward.
“Whilst there still remains a range of permissions and hurdles to overcome, securing this funding is a major achievement.
“It is perhaps a great indicator of how the Town Council by working with, and by supporting these groups, can help our community benefit.”
Pam Warhurst, Chair, Todmorden Town Deal Board said:
“It is fantastic news that Todmorden Town Council has been successful in securing over £500k further funding to support delivery of both the Bandstand and Bowling Pavilion as part of Town Deal investment into the Centre Vale Park projects.
“The Board would like to thank the Town Council, Calderdale Council and our wonderful community groups for continuing to work in partnership to make these important projects happen for our town.
“Alongside work to develop the Tennis Courts in the next few months, good progress is being made on transforming opportunities for all in the park.”
A potential start date is set for Autumn of this year, but this is subject to change