About Our Deal…
About Our Deal…
About Our Deal…
The Town Deal
The Town Deal is a £17.5M investment awarded to Todmorden from the government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund.
Eight Projects will be delivered by five local community partners and Calderdale Council. Collaboration is at the heart of the programme and vital to its success.
Todmorden Town Deal Timeline

September 2019
Todmorden invited to bid for Town Deal funding

November 2019
Government sets out criteria and conditions for Town Investment Plan

July 2020
Todmorden Town Deal Board set up and begins work on Town Investment Plan

January 2021
The board holds two Citizens Forums online

February 2021
Town Investment Plan submitted to government

June 2021
Government allocates £17.5M to Todmorden, but requests changes to bid

September 2021
Revised Town Investment Plan submitted to Government

November 2021
Board holds Citizens’ Forum at Hippodrome Theatre to share updated Plan

January 2022
£17.5m for eight projects, delivered by six Project Partners, confirmed by Government

Feb - Sept 2022
Project Partners develop Full Business Cases
April – Open Day, Tod College, to continue the conversation locally

Mid-Sept 2022
Full Business Cases submitted for final approval for investment

November 2022
Town Deal Open Day, Tod College

February 2023

March 2023
Project Partners working on detailed concepts, specifications, schedules for consultation and planning consents

Projects delivered
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The Town Investment Plan
The TIP had to be produced against very tight deadlines and strict criteria set down by government for the kind of projects that could be funded.
Fortunately, we had many consultations commissioned within the town and its community for 15+ years which the Board were able to draw from as a firm foundation for our TIP.
An independent report (August 2022) has reviewed this approach and confirmed the consultations to which Todmorden people had contributed much time and effort, offered a consistent and coherent source of public opinion. And that the Board was right to use that resource to help shape future plans for our town.
The £17.5M can only be used for the Approved Projects in the TIP. No other interventions or ideas can now be submitted.
More on how Projects were selected
The Town Investment Plan
The TIP had to be produced against very tight deadlines and strict criteria set down by government for the kind of projects that could be funded.
Fortunately, we had many consultations commissioned within the town and its community for 15+ years which the Board were able to draw from as a firm foundation for our TIP.
An independent report (August 2022) has reviewed this approach and confirmed the consultations to which Todmorden people had contributed much time and effort, offered a consistent and coherent source of public opinion. And that the Board was right to use that resource to help shape future plans for our town.
The £17.5M can only be used for the Approved Projects in the TIP. No other interventions or ideas can now be submitted.
More on how Projects were selected
Local control and influence…
The Town Deal Board was set up to shape the Town Investment Plan for the bid and succeeded in achieving this landmark investment.
Now that the funding is approved, the Board is responsible for making sure the projects and benefits for our town are delivered as set out in the Plan.
The Board are people who live in Todmorden. Calderdale Council as the Accountable Body sits on the Board, as does the local MP.
Meet the Board
Todmorden’s experts are Todmorden folk…
The Board has set up four Local Experts Panels made up of local people with lived experience, expertise and insights into three important areas:
- Youth Engagement – how we involve young people in the future of their town
- Sustainability – making sure that what is achieved is good for people and planet
- Investment – how the £17.5M can be used to bring more investment into the town
Coming soon…more on the role of Local Experts Panels