Relevant Documentation

Relevant Documentation

Relevant Documentation

We want to share as much information as we can about the process as it’s important to us that the community understand how we’re working on the investment plan for the town.

Below, for now, you will find a copy of the Governments original Prospectus, a Further Guidance document, and the Boundary Map within which all proposed projects must be located. More will be added as the bid and process progresses.

Community Consultations 2004 – 2019. An Independent Report

This independent report, by internationally renowned academic Dr. Andrew P. Carlin, was commissioned by the Town Deal Board to review the decision to reference existing community consultations as a foundation for projects considered and then ultimately submitted into the 2022 Town Investment Plan.

Town Investment Plan –  Revised Projects 2021/22

This document sets out the projects that made the final selection in the revised Town Investment Plan submitted to government in December 2021. These are the projects, some amended from the original Town Investment Plan (TIP), that central government has approved for funding from the £17.5M investment awarded to the town in February of this year.

Town Investment Plan

“With the passion of Todmorden folk backing us all the way, we firmly believe that we have a programme of works that will build on what’s already great and unique about Todmorden, but also ensure its survival and prosperity in changing times and climate. It’s fun, it’s aspirational, it’s boldly ambitious, and it’s eminently achievable, too. More than anything, it shouts…

“Todmorden, we’re ready for the challenge!”

Town Investment Plan Appendices

Full of potential, Todmorden is characterised by small businesses and a richness of grassroot, voluntary community organisations. The residents are deservedly renowned for their self-belief, resilience, community spirit, enterprise and activism. This Town Investment Plan draws upon the strengths of Todmorden and its community enterprise and ambition to see the change needed to overcome the challenges it faces.

Towns Fund Prospectus

“This prospectus provides practical guidance and advice to help communities, businesses and local leaders develop their own ambitious proposals for growth while drawing on successful examples from towns who have spurred long-term investment and regeneration in their areas.”

Published in November 2019, the government lays out its vision for the Towns Fund and how important it views the private sector’s role in achieving it.

It also lays out the criteria and process that must be followed for the investment to be made available, which begins with the creation of a Town Deal Board.

Towns Fund: Further Guidance

This guidance is intended to enable towns to finalise their Town Investment Plans and work with MHCLG to agree their Town Deals.

It sets out important information about interventions in scope, and the roles of different stakeholders throughout the process, and shows the path towards implementation of Town Deals.

Boundary Map

The red borderline highlights the area within which any proposed project must be located in order to be considered for investment under the Towns Fund criteria.

Terms of Reference

The Todmorden Town Deal Board Terms of Reference document sets out the roles, responsibilities, operations, tenure and obligations, in accordance with any specific legislative requirements.

Its purpose is to provide board members and key stakeholders (including local residents) with a common understanding of the scope, objectives and operational processes of the board and any legislative requirements laid out in the government’s original Towns Fund Prospectus.

Todmorden Visitor Economy Report Feb 2023

A synopsis of the visitor research report, commissioned in February 2023, with recommendations for those in Todmorden with capacity to implement economic and strategic actions.