Our Project Partner, Calderdale Council will be carrying out ground surveys in and around Bramsche Square car park and Todmorden Market. This work will take place during the day on Tuesday 2 July, Monday 8th July and Wednesday 10th July – with minimal disruption.

The proposed works for the surveys include:

Tuesday 2nd July – Survey Solutions will mark the underground services around the market stalls, Bramsche Square Car Park areas, Pollination Street gardens and the proposed parking area to the east of the green space.

They will use manual push trolleys which send a radar signal into the ground that identifies pipework and cables in the ground.

They will use removal spray paint to mark the services for above-ground identification. The paint is NOT permanent.

Manholes will be lifted for short periods and during that time barriers erected to prevent slips, trips and falls.

Works from 0830-1600, approximately.

Monday 8th July – Ridge and its subcontractors will carry out 4 core drilling samples into the ground to obtain the ground conditions for assessing the design of the new canopy foundations. The cores will be approximately 150mm in diameter.

Whilst the works are underway in and around the market stalls, barriers will be erected to isolate the work area and will allow free movement for the general public around the core locations.

Works in the car park area will be individually barriered off whilst the core samples are undertaken.

Again, the cores are approximately 150mm in diameter. The cores will penetrate the ground to a depth of approximately 5mtrs.

All cores will be backfilled and made good to ground levels and conditions to ensure no slips, trips or falls.

Wednesday 10th July – All as above, but in the location of the green garden area and the proposed parking area to the east of the green space and will also include 8 mini-digger machine-dug trial holes in the green space, to establish the ground conditions and the permeability of the ground for drainage design.

The trial holes will be barriered off during the day and backfilled with the excavated topsoil to a smooth and level condition.

Works from 0830-1600, approximately.

What Calderdale Council will learn from these surveys will help with the next stage of the designs.