Project: Enterprise in Todmorden
Project: Enterprise in Todmorden
Project: Enterprise in Todmorden


A new energy-efficient enterprise centre will house 20 flexible business units that aim to attract modern jobs to Todmorden as well as providing affordable rented opportunities for home-workers to go to work.

The enterprise centre aims to help Todmorden thrive and be more resilient by utilising a rare opportunity for new commercial space.

Project Outline

The enterprise centre will offer modern, professional facilities for small and start-up businesses, as well as more established enterprises. The building will be fully accessible meaning fewer barriers to people turning their ideas into businesses, their passions to profit.

The enterprise centre will sit on the former care home off Ferney Lee Road.

Separate to Town Deal funding, Calder Valley Community Land Trust has partnered with a West Yorkshire based social landlord aiming to place affordable rented homes on this site. There are 10,000 people on the housing waiting list in Calderdale, this element of the project aims to provide energy efficient affordable homes to alleviate some of the affordable housing shortage.

What It Will Achieve

  • Twenty units offering contemporary, energy efficient, affordable rented workspace
  • Attract creative and digital businesses to bring skilled jobs to Todmorden
  • Flexible units available to other types of business, workspaces can adapt as needs and demands change over time
  • Links with schools and Todmorden Learning Centre & Community Hub to develop opportunities for young people to work in skilled jobs in their town
  • Bring new businesses, attracting more customers to spend time and money with existing local businesses
  • Potential for 19 affordable rented 1 and 2-bed homes.

Progress So Far

Our Full Business Case has been approved by government securing £3.8m.

  • The business plan shows that the enterprise centre can be created for the money and that running costs will be covered by the rents
  • Due to the recent decision to move to Ferney Lee from Rose Street we are working on ideas for the outline designs to show what the building might look like
  • We are working on securing the funding for the additional housing part of the project.

The Next Steps

The next steps are:

  • Carry out the necessary surveys of the site
  • Develop an outline design enabling consultation with the community
  • Develop detailed building designs
  • Apply for planning permission
  • Identify potential tenants for the units
  • Secure necessary funding for the additional homes.
Why is a new site being considered?

The original site allocated on Rose St. adjacent to Bramsche Square is no longer possible because the Environment Agency has made clear that the risk of flooding at the proposed site cannot be mitigated and so this option is no longer viable.

Why had an environmental survey not been carried out prior to the original plans being drawn up and money spent on the Bramsche Square location?

The original proposed site was reviewed as part of a Borough-wide Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which fed into the Local Plan evidence base. The assessment identified the site as a high flood risk zone (Flood Zone 3ai) but options for mixed-use development were set out in the Local Plan, as the site was designated as a Regeneration Action Area. The original plans were subsequently developed with proposals to mitigate flood risk, but these were not supported by the Environment Agency, suggesting an alternative site was needed.

Will the project still deliver the same facilities and benefits?

Yes, the Enterprise Centre on the Ferney Lee site will deliver professional facilities for small and start-up businesses, as well as more established enterprises in energy-efficient and affordable workspaces, as well as some affordable rented homes.

Where is the new site and how will it be progressed?

As Calderdale Council’s Press Release identifies, Ferney Lee is a council-owned brownfield site, cleared and vacant, a 15-minute walk from Todmorden train station.

The decision to asset transfer this site at no cost to our project partner, Calder Valley Community Land Trust, was approved in principle by Calderdale Council Cabinet on 7th August 2023.

Will the funding be the same for the Ferney Lee site?

Yes, the funding that will be used for development of the Enterprise Centre on the new site is Levelling Up investment which is part of the £17.5M Town Deal allocation.

Will the Project Partner developing the Enterprise Centre be the same?

Yes. Calder Valley Community Land Trust (CVCLT) will continue to lead on the development of an Enterprise Centre on the new Ferney Lee site.

How will Todmorden benefit from CVCLT developing the site and what kind of organisation are they?

Calder Valley Community Land Trust (CVCLT) is a charity and cooperative benefit society with 300 members.

Todmorden will benefit from CVCLT developing an enterprise facility with affordable rented homes because they are building on the Town Deal funding by attracting additional funding to build much needed affordable rented homes. Any surpluses generated from the development will be reinvested in the likes of affordable rented homes, community buildings and land.

Find out more about CVCLT and their work here.


Has the change of site reduced the amount of investment in Todmorden and has any money been wasted?

The funding allocated to the Enterprise Centre project to date has been used to put together a Full Business Case and provide concept designs that successfully secured investment from government. Although some limited resource has been specific to the original location, the information largely remains valid. Importantly, the proposed approach for the new site ensures the funding is secured to achieve the same outcomes for the town.

What will happen to the original Rose Street site?

Whilst not what was originally planned, the relocation of the Enterprise Centre will enable a greater focus to developing a greener town centre in the space now available in Bramsche Square as part of our Public Places project.

When will there be more information?

We will provide further updates as soon as we can. So, watch this space.

Towns Fund Alignment

✓ Urban regeneration, planning & land-use
✓ Enterprise infrastructure
✓ Covid-19 recovery plan
✓ Clean growth

Strategic Alignment

✓ National Planning Policy Framework
✓ UK Industrial Strategy
✓ Gear Change
✓ WYCA Spatial Priority Areas
✓ Calderdale Submission Draft Local Plan
✓ Calderdale Inclusive Growth Strategy
✓ Calderdale Visitor Economy Strategy
✓ Draft Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan

Town Deal Funding will:

  • Improve perceptions of Todmorden
  • Bring new business opportunities
  • Deliver commercial spaces for local use
  • Support enterprise to flourish
  • Create affordable, rented accommodation

About The Project Lead

Calder Valley Community Land Trust is a member-based cooperative benefit society and charity, led by an elected board of thirteen local people.

Membership is open to anyone who supports our aims:

  • To create affordable rented homes
  • To be custodians of community buildings in the Calder Valley to develop their use and sustainability

As a Town Deal Partner, we are:

  • Building new affordable homes above the Enterprise Centre for local people to rent. These will not be funded from the Town Deal money but from new investment brought into town
  • Improving the energy efficiency of Fielden Hall, as part of the Town Deal’s Centre Vale park improvements. Alongside this, the 2 houses, either side of the hall will be enhanced as energy efficient affordable rented homes.


Accountable Body

Project Lead


Accountable Body

Project Lead