Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that isn’t answered here, then please do get in touch.
What is the Town Deal?
£17.5M investment awarded to Todmorden’s Town Investment Plan from the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund.
What is the Town Deal Board?
A group of local people with specific skills and experience, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (Accountable Body), the local MP and an advisory representative from West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
What is the Town Deal Board responsible for?
The Board leads on strategy and ensures projects are delivered as set out in the Town Investment Plan to achieve the maximum benefit and impact for the town.
What is the role of Calderdale Council as the Accountable Body?
Calderdale Council is accountable to the Government for the funding and ensures the Town Deal Board is run properly, providing practical administration, support and advice.
How will the £17.5 million be spent?
The Town Deal programme brings together eight projects that will help to create a more secure future for Todmorden. The investment puts us in a stronger position to face current and future challenges as a market town in the long term. To thrive, not just survive, and to shape an even better place for the next generation.
What are the benefits for the town?
The Town Deal Programme will boost the local economy, make the most of our much-loved green spaces and fine buildings, and provide better facilities for all to be healthier, better equipped for the future and more creative and enterprising. Hopefully, it will make us all even more proud of where we live!
How were the projects decided upon?
The projects were chosen because they addressed priorities identified by Todmorden residents in a wide range of consultations between 2004 and 2019, and selected from projects local people submitted to the Board for consideration. All projects were tested against the government’s criteria & guidelines for Regeneration, Skills Provision and Connectivity. They had to be both viable and sustainable.
Who are the Project Partners and what is their role?
Our partnership is made up of five community partners Calder Valley Community Land Trust, Tod College Learning & Community Hub, The Hippodrome Theatre, Todmorden Town Council, Upper Calder Valley Renaissance, and Calderdale Council, who also act as the Accountable Body for the programme.
Project Partners have already developed their projects into business cases that have approval to go ahead with funding from the £17.5m investment. Their role now is to deliver their projects as agreed. They will work with other local groups, organisations and networks to further shape the benefits the project will offer and the difference it will make when it is completed.
What are the projects?
Find out more about all the Projects here.
How will local people be involved and consulted?
Consultation will be carried out as required. We don’t yet have a timetable for this process but will keep you updated as soon as we can. As things progress, we will hold programme events to update you and hear your views, and the project partners will host opportunities for you to ‘meet the project’. Watch out for more news on this.
How long will it take?
All projects must be completed by March 2026. See the Timeline here.
How will delivery of the projects affect the town?
Once building works begin, there is likely to be some disruption. We and our project partners will aim to keep you informed and give you as much notice as possible of any works and to minimise disruption where we can.
What’s In It For Me?
Well, the answer will be different depending on you…
I live and/or work here...
You will benefit from better, affordable and more accessible facilities and opportunities in Todmorden. The town centre will be more attractive, welcoming and safe for you to spend time in, meet friends and family, and shop at independent markets and local businesses, as well as enjoy local festivals and events.
Tell me more:
At Tod College, you will be able to learn new skills needed for better-paid jobs, like the jobs that are being developed to combat climate change. You can improve your health by taking part in a greater range of sports, health and leisure activities at improved and new facilities in Centre Vale Park and the Riverside Centre. New affordable rented housing at Fielden Hall and the Enterprise Centre will be created. Interested in arts and performance? The Hippodrome Theatre, Bandstand in the park and a better town centre events space will provide updated and extended spaces, alongside other venues in town, so we can showcase Tod’s talent more and to bigger and better audiences. To find out more about how you can benefit, see The Projects.
I’m a market trader / I run a local business
You will benefit because the Public Places project will encourage residents and visitors to spend more time in the town centre, spending more money at local markets, shops and cafes, pubs and restaurants. The Enterprise Centre will provide modern convenient facilities for starting your own business or if you’re an existing or growing enterprise needing premises to suit your needs. More businesses in the Enterprise Centre will bring more workers into town spending money locally. And, your employees can develop new skills in the expanded offer provided by Tod College.
Can my business help?
If you provide a local trade, service or products you think might be useful to deliver the improvements and buildings for the Town Deal, you may be able to tender for this work. Town Deal is committed to trying to use Calder Valley suppliers for local work.
I'm a young person...
You will have a town to be even more proud of with modern facilities and meeting places that meet your needs. You will have more and better quality opportunities to develop your skills and experience in the new green economy, in the creative industries and in sports, health and wellbeing.
I'm a regular visitor to the town....
Visitors to our town will find better and more accessible facilities in Todmorden, including for events, conferences, celebrations, sports, leisure, holidays and performance, alongside a more attractive town centre to spend time in, meet others and take advantage of our fantastic shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants, and overnight accommodation.
Can I invest in projects in the town?
A more attractive, fit-for-purpose town centre with improved facilities and welcoming spaces, as well as a more skilled workforce, will encourage more opportunities for businesses, organisations and people to invest in our town, boosting the local economy further. The Town Deal is just the start and should be used to bring in more funding for other projects and ideas that Tod’s communities want to see.