Youth Engagement
Youth Engagement
Youth Engagement
The Town Deal Board made an early commitment to ensuring the youth of Todmorden would have their say on this transformational journey for the town, proactively pursuing a policy of inclusivity for the Under 25s. As part of Accelerator funding, the Town Deal worked with Todmorden Council to fund and deliver the amazing and very popular Wheels Park in Centre Vale Park.
A youth and community engagement report was developed as part of the Town Investment Plan bid for government funding. One of our Local Experts Panels groups focuses on youth engagement and is led by two of our Board members with the aim of building more learning opportunities, confidence and town pride among young people who live here.
We are working to establish a growing relationship with local schools so we can find ways to involve young people across the programme, and place their voices at the centre of how the programme is delivered and meets their needs.
Watch this space for updates!