Historic Consultation Documents
Historic Consultation Documents
Historic Consultation Documents
In preparing our Town Investment Plan we are extremely fortunate to have many consultations commissioned within the town and its community over the last 15+ years. And within these reports, many of the same themes and desired outcomes have been highlighted and campaigned for time and time again.
We list most of the consultative documents here below which can claim, in varying degrees, to have had serious and meaningful stakeholder engagement – and show ‘credibility by consultation’ in support of our investment bid.
Todmorden Civic Pride Potential Projects Report 2019
Todmorden Civic Pride, a merged group of Todmorden Civic Society and the original town team, Todmorden Pride, produced this document to lay out the priorities they feel are overdue and would wish to see considered for funding under the Stronger Towns Fund.
“We believe that the projects outlined (in this document) are ones that would lead to fulfilment of the wider objectives of STF. We also believe the projects outlined are ‘credible by consultation’ and that they are the choice of the community.”
Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan – Stakeholder Consultations 2017
The neighbourhood plan undertaken by the town council will have statutory recognition. There is much evidence of consultation in these documents, adding to the weight of all previous stakeholder engagements.
“The plan encourages and welcomes visitors, new residents and inward investment whilst at the same time – and with equal emphasis – seeking to improve the facilities and opportunities available for young people, encouraging them to remain in the area for education, employment and leisure activities.”
Bramsche Square/Rose Street – Site Unlocking Study 2018
This study is focused on the Bramsche Square/Rose Street site in Todmorden and was produced to enable Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to assess, define and quantify the development opportunities / constraints and potential which exists in this area.
“Based on the analysis presented, options have been developed which consider seven potential plots within and adjacent to the subject site. The options explore how the site could be utilised at different scales from ‘minimum development’, to ‘additional development’ and ‘maximised development.”
Bramsche Square/Rose Street Development Brief 2016
“A comprehensive, mixed-use development that creates a ‘sense of place’ for shopping, working, relaxing and living, and which incorporates the creation of a vibrant, multi-purpose, market place in Bramsche Square fit for the 21st century.
“Improvements to the public realm will enhance the town’s quality of place, encourage more businesses to relocate to Todmorden and strengthen the success of existing businesses, as can be demonstrated by public realm improvements in areas such as nearby Hebden Bridge.”
Future of Todmorden Markets Feasibility Report 2014
A report presented by the Todmorden Market Steering Group on the opportunities and challenges facing the Todmorden Markets and an exploration of alternative operating models for the future.
“The consultation of members of the public demonstrates considerable support for the Markets and an appetite within the town for innovative developments in the future, including increased opening hours and the restoration of the existing building.”
Upper Calder Valley Renaissance Review 2014
This report summarises the presentations made by the three keynote conference speakers and goes on to set out the findings from the workshop sessions in which conference delegates from community, businesses and councils worked together in six mixed groups.
“Much has been achieved under the UCVR banner and many of the projects in the original 25-year programme have come to fruition, helping to improve and transform many of the places and spaces in the valley, as well as the lives of the people who live here. More needs to be done.”
Todmorden Town Plan 2013
At the start of 2011, Todmorden Town Council embarked on the production of a Town Plan. It wanted to identify the main issues that concern the people of Todmorden and to set out a vision on how the town should develop and reach its full potential.
“Respondents were proud of Todmorden but felt that it had not reached its full potential. They were concerned about derelict sites and the effect these had on the ’look’ of the town. They thought that Bramsche Square would greatly benefit from redevelopment and requested more variety of shops and greater support and encouragement of businesses in the town.”
Todmorden Town Centre Development Brief 2008
A Development Brief for securing the redevelopment of Todmorden Town centre following public and stakeholder consultation, the approval of the Board and then endorsement by Calderdale Council Cabinet.
“Within the town centre there is a good range of facilities including Todmorden College, the Town Hall, markets, and retail facilities. To kick start the redevelopment of the Town Centre, it is proposed to concentrate on the Bramsche Square area, creating a town square which will be the focus of the Town Centre, plus new commercial facilities.”
Todmorden Conservation Area Consultation 2007
“It is recommended that where possible the more significant development sites, which will normally be the larger ones but may also be small sites which are particularly important in townscape terms, are provided with a development brief.
“Such briefs would provide an element of certainty as well as being a useful source of information for potential developers, residents and others with an interest in the sites.”
Upper Calder Valley Renaissance Master Plan 2004
This 25-year plan was created around a sophisticated community consultation process which served as a catalyst for local people to come together, to reflect on the potential of their places and be inspired to become engaged in helping to influence and shape their environment.
“Todmorden Town Hall is hidden from the square behind a 1960’s ‘eyesore’ building. Poor quality public realm and dead frontages contribute to the lifeless feel of the town centre. The town turns its back on its two greatest assets, the river and the canal”.