Todmorden Town Deal’s Centre Vale Park Project, led by delivery partner, Todmorden Town Council, and in partnership with Calderdale Council, has an exciting year of progress ahead, with a number of positive steps now underway and planned for 2024.
The Centre Vale Park Project incorporates a fantastic mix of improvements to existing facilities, alongside the creation of some brand new amenities for the benefit of local people and visitors to Todmorden’s much-loved park.
The aim of the project is to open up opportunities for health and wellbeing, sports and leisure, as well as provide further spaces for culture and performance for Todmorden’s diverse calendar of events.
The project includes refurbishment of the unique Grade II Listed Bandstand, updating and extending the Bowling Pavilion, floodlighting and improvements to the existing three tennis courts, and a brand new Multi-use Games Area (MUGA) for a variety of sports.
The image below is a ‘graphic mock-up’ and not a real photo.
Progress to date includes the welcome news that £250k funding support has been awarded from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the refurbishment of the Bandstand.
Following this announcement, the appointment of architects to spearhead the design has been finalised, with Buttress Architects being awarded the contract. Their input includes collaborating with Todmorden High School to offer our young people work experience in the field of architecture and heritage, culminating in the creation of a timeline capturing the history of Todmorden’s outstanding heritage.
In other progress, work is now underway on the refurbishment of the Centre Vale Park tennis courts, in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association, and the MUGA, which will deliver facilities for a range of sports including 5-a-side football, basketball and netball, is set to start taking shape this year.
The refurbishment of the Bowling Pavilion to provide a modern, flexible base for the various community groups who are active in the park, including Todmorden in Bloom, Military Veterans, Todmorden Bowling Association and Friends of Centre Vale Park, is also moving forward with the appointment of architects to lead on design and planning.
In addition to the priority elements of the Centre Vale Park project above, project partners are also exploring options for how, within the limited funds available, the War Memorial area in the park might be developed to provide a more bespoke, appropriate and sustainable environment for remembrance and reflection, as well as to help reduce antisocial behaviour.
As part of this, consideration is being given to options for the existing conservatory, including a redesign of the War Memorial Garden to replace it with features such as extended gardens, sensory garden, environmental works, new benches and raised beds, or for its potential refurbishment.
Costs for all options are to be explored, including the ongoing costs of maintenance that will be required for each approach, and an update will be provided in due course.

Pam Warhurst, Chair, Todmorden Town Deal Board said:
“The year has got off to a great start with our Centre Vale Park project achieving these positive steps forward. It is a priority for the Board that people in Todmorden have access to excellent facilities and opportunities for improving their health and wellbeing, and enjoying leisure and sports. The contribution of our wonderful community groups is vital to how this project is developed, and we are committed to working with our partners to support their capacities to continue and grow their activities.“

Cllr Sarah Courtney, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Towns, Tourism and Voluntary Sector said::
“Centre Vale Park is a much-loved facility in Todmorden and it’s great that significant improvement works as part of the Town Deal will ensure that it can continue to be a place where people can enjoy to meet, spend more time and live healthy and active lives.”
For more information on improvements to tennis courts across Calderdale, including in Centre Vale Park, through a partnership between the Lawn Tennis Association and Calderdale Council, visit: